Lesley Davidson, RN, is a Retired Registered Nurse Living in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Lesley Davidson, RN, is a well-versed registered nurse who is currently retired and living in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. She had an impressive professional journey that spanned forty-six years. Her areas of expertise covered pediatric nursing. Throughout her many years in practice, Lesley has upheld a steadfast commitment to the ethical and professional standards of her work. Hence, she ensures an impeccable degree of patient satisfaction in all facets of her practice. Lesley Davidson, RN, attended the Mount Royal College in Calgary, Canada, and received her nursing diploma in 1973. She remained at the forefront of her challenging field via memberships and affiliations with prestigious professional societies and associations. She feels that her success is attributable to her love for her profession. For more information about Lesley Davidson, RN, please visit https://todaysnurse.org/network/index.php?do=/4144442/info/.